History of Cannabis
Cannabis, locally BC It is a plant grown around 8000. Cannabis was grown in Mesopotamia (today Turkey) for fiber and food. Around 6500 BC in Central Asia, China began growing cannabis as a crop and was later used in medicine. B.C. 2700 In the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, cannabis was used for fabric, thread, medicine, and food. Cannabis was introduced to Europe 400 years later. The oldest surviving piece of paper is 100% Chinese hemp scroll. From 1000 BC to the nineteenth century, hemp was the world's largest agricultural product and was also used for paper and lamp oil. During this period, many well-known books were printed on hemp paper, including Wonderland and Alice. The first crop in North America was planted by a French botanist in Nova Scotia in 1606. Two centuries later, the United States and Canada stopped the cultivation of cannabis with the Cannabis Tax Act of 1937 (which put one dollar per ounce to every cannabis producer, which was later abolished during the World War II effort). There is a Uighur story called "Prince Kalyanamkara Papamkara". In this story with cannabis (cannabis) There is a very clear statement about it. “She spins wool, shews cannabis, she knits cloth, she weaves, and other Masters craft their own works of art on their own, and they put effort into it”. As can be understood from this example, hemp was used in the dress weaving of the Uighur Turks.