CBD/CBG/CBN wellness products

Cannabinoids are simply the compounds found in cannabis. There is a huge range of estimates as to how many cannabinoids are in cannabis, since most exist at such low levels that scientists have historically had difficulty detecting them. Most estimates put the number of cannabinoids at somewhere over hundred, including some that state there are more than 140. With most still unknown, the main focus over the years has been on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD.
We know THC as the cannabinoid that attributes the classic “high” feeling when consuming cannabis and can relax the body and fight cancer. We’ve learned about CBD—the cannabinoid with anti-inflammatory properties and medically beneficial effects like suppressing seizures. The one that can be derived from plants with less than .3% THC (hemp plants) and fills the vials of thousands of wellness tinctures, topicals, and edibles throughout grocery stores and boutiques. What about effects that combat anxiety? Or aid in deep sleep? We’re starting to figure that out, too. Meet CBG and CBN, other cannabinoids often found in cannabis, just in lower concentrations than THC and CBD. Extracted forms of CBG and CBN are increasingly showing up in wellness products across the legal cannabis and hemp realms, positioned as cannabinoids closely tied to anti-anxiety and sleep promoting effects. They’re showing up in headlines as well, like CBG vending machines heading to casino floors in Vegas and best sleep product roundups. There are dozens of cannabinoids in this plant—we understand only a handful of them. We’ve done clinical trials on even less. For now, here is as clear a breakdown as possible of the latest cannabinoids to hit mainstream weed culture, why they matter in your cannabis regimen, and a few products highlighting their unique characteristics.