Cultivating high-quality cannabis is best achieved through experienced and skilled staff.

To foster the industry and to provide for a stable workforce BML will have an extensive training program to ensure our staff cultivates consistent and high-quality cannabis. Through careful selection of strains and breeding programs, we will have novel strains and cannabinoid profiles to fit treatment for specific ailments. The hybrid greenhouse design will allow us to use less energy in the cultivation of pharmaceutical cannabis.

To produce medical grade cannabis flowers and pharmaceutical products is a big challenge, consistency and stability is the key to success.

Our experience in medical cannabis comes through 50 years of combined knowledge, that our managing team has, on the plant itself and the medical benefits of its properties. Experience and research lead us to create cultivation and processing protocols to achieve high standards. To design facility with the latest technology when it comes to climate control that will give us the tools to give the plants the optimum conditions to develop the special genetics that our team will bring to the market. Latest technology on tissue culture irrigation system, high quality nutrients and integrated pest management will be used to achieve a consistent high value certified with GACP product.

The processing of cannabis is also crucial. An EU GMP certified facility with cutting edge technology, equipment, a strict monitoring system from plant to final product. Accredited quality control and lab testing on each stage is necessary to achieve the high standards and consistency. Storage (GSP) and distribution (GDP) protocols and certification will also prove that quality is our main goal! After sales feedback with our costumers through QR codes, data analysis, close collaboration with the academic (agriculture and medical community) will have major impact in our quality products and patient services provided to our customers. Our products will be our best advertising and our devotion will declare that we are here to stay!!!

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+30 698 7376451. Please feel free to contact our expert.

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